Book an Appointment


You can use your Medeo account to conveniently pick an open appointment spot with your doctor.

For Drs Caron, Murdoch, or Stacy


For Drs Robinson or Shaffaf


Note that Medeo appointments are not for emergencies. Book with the after-hours clinic (see below) or go to the nearest hospital if necessary.



Call us at (705) 355-WAVE (9283) and leave a message to book an appointment. Please include:

  • Your name and phone number

  • Reason for appointment

  • Indicate if the appointment is urgent

We will call you back, typically within 3 business days.



Waves is proud to help train talented medical students and resident physicians. Some appointments may be led by a learner, but your physician will always review your visit.

After-hours clinic


The after-hours clinic is for minor injuries and illnesses. The appointment is with an on-call physician in the family health network. To book an appointment, call us directly and leave a message.

Appointments are:

  • Monday to Thursday: 5:00pm to 8:00pm

  • Saturday: 9:00am to 12:00pm